SNI-BD (SNI Circuit Pack)
Issue 1 June 2005 2103
123 FAIL The SNI circuit pack cannot communicate with its neighbor using the
packet path.
1. Fix any on-board errors (SNI-BD, EXP-INTF, and/or DS1C-BD)
against the components of this fiber link by using display errors
and display alarms and following the repair procedures. Use
list fiber-link to find the fiber link associated with this SNI. Use
display fiber-link to find the endpoints of the fiber link and the
DS1C circuit pack locations if this fiber link has a DS1 Converter
complex administered.)
2. Enter display errors and display alarms and follow the repair
procedures for any SNC-BD error entries with corresponding
on-board alarm entries.
3. Enter display errors and follow the repair procedures for any
SYNC entries.
4. If this FIBER-LK has circuit, packet, and control path errors, check the
lightwave transceiver connections or metallic connections. Use the
LED states to verify whether the connections are correct. Also, a test
fiber-link s command can be run to determine whether a fiber out of
frame condition exists on the fiber link; the SNI Fiber Out-of-Frame
Query (#989) reports whether a fiber out of frame condition exists for
an SNI endpoint and the Expansion Interface Fiber Out-of-Frame
Query test (#238) reports whether a fiber out of frame condition exists
for an Expansion Interface endpoint.
5. Replace the lightwave transceivers if present.
6. Replace one of the endpoint boards.
7. Replace the other endpoint board.
8. Replace the DS1 converter circuit packs if a DS1 converter complex
is administered on this fiber.
PASS The SNI can communicate with the peer SNIs and the neighbor over the
packet path.
Table 754: TEST #767 Packet Neighbor Link Test (continued)
Description / Recommendation
11 of 12