PKT-INT (Packet Interface)
Issue 1 June 2005 1799
PKT-INT (Packet Interface)
S8700 | 8710 / S8500
The Packet Interface (PKT-INT) MO resides on the TN2312 IP Server Interface (IPSI) circuit
pack and serves as an interface between the media server and the packet bus.
The TN1655 PKT-INT and TN2182 Tone-Clock circuit packs’ functions are on the TN2312 IPSI
circuit pack. The IPSI circuit pack also provides:
● PKT-INT packet-bus interface
● Archangel TDM-bus interface
● Tone-Clock functionality
● Ethernet interface for connectivity to media servers
● Ethernet interface for connectivity to services laptop PCs
● S8700 MC: Maintenance board interface for communication with the PN’s Maintenance
board, in Carrier A or B only
The TN2312 IPSI circuit pack is inserted into a PN’s Tone-Clock slot and provides an Ethernet
interface back to the media servers. The PKT-INT interface module on the IPSI is like previous
DEFINITY TN1655 PKT-INT boards. However, the IPSI’s PKT-INT module does not support
DMI Mode-2/-3 data or BX.25 links.
The PKT-INT supports links used for call setup of every port located in a PN. Packet Interface
failure prevents call set-up and tear-down from telephones and trunks connected to PNs.
In addition to affecting telephone service, Packet Interface failure affects the service provided
by circuit packs that connect to the Packet bus. For example:
● TN464, TN2207, TN2464 Universal DS1 circuit pack — ISDN-PRI service
● TN556, TN2198, TN2185 ISDN-BRI Line circuit pack — ISDN-BRI service
● S8700 MC: TN2305, TN2306 ATM
● S8700 MC: TN570 Expansion Interface (EI)
● S8700 MC: TN573 Switch Node Interface (SNI)
● TN799DP Control LAN (C-LAN) packet port circuit pack
● TN2501 Voice Announcements over the LAN (VAL)
MO Name in
Alarm Log
Initial SAT Command to Run Full Name of MO
PKT-INT MAJ reset packet-interface location Packet Interface
PKT-INT MIN test packet-interface location Packet Interface
PKT-INT WRN test packet-interface location Packet Interface