Server Alarms
74 Maintenance Procedures for Avaya Communication Manager 3.0, Media Gateways and Servers
Login Alarms
The Login MO monitors access to the server and alarms suspicious activity. Table 19: Login
Alarms in Media Server on page 74 describes the Login MO’s alarms and their troubleshooting
Table 19: Login Alarms in Media Server
Alarm Text, Cause/Description, Recommendation
2 WRN “sat_Auth:Login for [inads] invalid password” — An SAT login to
Communication Manager failed.
1. Verify the alarm, either from the:
- Web interface, by selecting View Current Alarms
- Linux command line, by entering almdisplay -v
2. Since mis-typing a login sequence usually causes this alarm, enter
almclear -n #id to clear the alarm.
3. If this alarm is perceived as a security threat (often due to its
persistence or frequent recurrence), notify the customer.
4 WRN “Login for [inads] – failed – password check” — A login to a server’s Linux
command line failed.
1. Verify the alarm, either from the:
- Web interface, by selecting View Current Alarms
- Linux command line, by entering almdisplay -v
2. Since mis-typing a login sequence usually causes this alarm, enter
almclear -n #id to clear the alarm.
3. If this alarm is perceived as a security threat (often due to its
persistence or frequent recurrence), notify the customer.
5 MAJ “Probation interval for login [inads] ends – lockout interval begins” —
Multiple consecutive login failures.
1. If this alarm is perceived as a security threat, notify the customer.