Denial Event Tables
Issue 1 June 2005 213
1596 Attd must enter station Attendant-activation of call forwarding, and
extended administration of call forwarding. The
extension being administered is not a simple
station user.
1597 Attd cant fwd attd calls Attendant-activation of call forwarding, and
extended administration of call forwarding.
Attendant is not allowed to forward its own calls.
1598 Feature ID invalid Attendant-activation of call forwarding, and
extended administration of call forwarding. The
feature ID in callr feat_id is wrong for the Call
Processing (CP) stimulus being processed by
this supervisor.
1599 Change cvg COR restricted Attendant-activation of call forwarding, and
extended administration of call forwarding.
Change coverage Feature Access Code was
dialed. Class of Restriction (COR) of dialed
extension does not permit change coverage.
1600 Software error Attendant-activation of call forwarding, and
extended administration of call forwarding.
CP_REJECT - partial perch write in station server
to administer the new active coverage option
1601 Software invalid stim Attendant-activation of call forwarding, and
extended administration of call forwarding. Invalid
Call Processing (CP) stimulus type sent to this
1602 Cfwd act to paging grp NA Call forwarding supervision. Activating call
forwarding to a paging group is not allowed.
1603 Cfwd offnet COS restrcted Call forwarding supervision. Activating call
forwarding off-net is not allowed for this user.
check the Class of Service permissions.
1604 Cfwd offnet COS restrcted Call forwarding supervision. Activating call
forwarding off-net via AAR/ARS is not allowed for
this user. Check the Class of Service
1605 Cfwd to self denied Call forwarding supervision. Call forwarding to
self is prevented.
1606 Software error Call forwarding supervision. Invalid feedback
message type received with CP_FEEDBK type
stimulus to this supervisor from dap function.
1607 Software invalid stim Call forwarding supervision. invalid Call
Processing (CP) stimulus type sent to this
1608 Routing not to data user The “routed to” party is not a Data User.
1609 Local rtg must be to sta QSIG Call Completion ringout call from the
remote originating party. Routing locally, but not
to a station. This is not allowed.
1610 Party count not = 1 Prepare to collect deluxe paging & park
extension. The callr pty_cnt is not = 1.
Table 50: Call Process denial events (1225 - 1899) (continued)
Event Description, as it
appears on the event log
Explanation Event
Data 1
Event Data 2
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