Communication Manager Maintenance-Object Repair Procedures
1752 Maintenance Procedures for Avaya Communication Manager 3.0, Media Gateways and Servers
Stand-Alone DCP Data Modules
There are two types of stand-alone DCP data modules as shown in Table 648.
Data Adapters
TN2136 circuit packs use IDCP signaling and a DAA2 Data Adaptor (DA) to interface to DTE.
DAs can operate in either of two modes which are covered by different MOs:
Table 648: Stand-Alone DCP Data Modules
Type Name
1. Early versions of these data modules were referred to as PDMs and TDMs, respectively. Later models
are designed to provide a variety of interfaces by using interchangeable modules and are thus called
modular data modules. Both types are supported by the tests described in this section
Interfaces to:
MPDM Modular Processor Data Module DTE (data terminals, host computers,
printers, etc.)
MTDM Modular Trunk Data Module DCE (modems, data modules, etc.)
Table 649: Data Adaptor Modes
DA Mode Administered as: Endpoint Maintenance
Stand-Alone PDM data endpoint only PDMODULE
Linked DTDM IDT1/2
and optional data terminal
1. IDT1/2: Italtel Digital Telephone, Model 1 or 2 (also known as Digital Telephones TD7210 and