Communication Manager Maintenance-Object Repair Procedures
1226 Maintenance Procedures for Avaya Communication Manager 3.0, Media Gateways and Servers
Center Stage:
If the EI circuit pack under test resides in the PN:
None of the EI circuit packs located in the PNs (on the same PNC side) are
in service (for PN EIs see the next case).
5. Enter list fiber-linklist fiber-link to determine whether
any of the PN’s EI circuit packs are administered as endpoints of a fiber
link. If not, then ignore the results of this test.
6. Enter list conf for the cabinets and carriers where the EI circuit
packs reside in every other PN. If the results returned indicated that the
circuit packs are not recognized by software, they are out of service for
this reason.
7. Enter display errors, and resolve any EXP-PN errors. Re-execute
this test.
8. If the test continues to abort with this error code, reseat the EI circuit
packs (or DS1 converter circuit pack if so equipped) on the PNs. This
will not be destructive since the circuit pack cannot be serving as the
Expansion Archangel if it is not in service.
9. Run Test #237 on each of the PN EI circuit packs, and check for
EXP-INTF circuit pack Error Type 1281 in the error log. If Error Type is
present and/or Test #237 does not pass, see repair procedures for
Test #237, in Table 409: Test #237 Expansion Interface Neighbor
Query Test on page 1199.
10. Repeat this test.
If the EI circuit pack under test resides in the PN:
The EI circuit located in the PN is out of service.
1. Run Test #237 on each of the PN EI circuit packs and check for
EXP-INTF circuit pack Error Type 1281 in the error log. If Error Type is
present and/or Test #237 does not pass, see repair procedures for
Test #237 in Table 409: Test #237 Expansion Interface Neighbor
Query Test on page 1199.
2. Repeat this test.
Table 416: Test #589 Expansion Interface Packet Interface Test (continued)
Description / Recommendation
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