Denial Event Tables
Issue 1 June 2005 195
1316 No unrstrictd term point No principal to terminate to, or it is termination
restricted, and there is no termination coverage
1317 Coverage software failure Software error call_p termination to coverage
point received invalid gm_term return code.
1318 Split UID query failure Adjunct Switch Application Interface (ASAI)
Direct Agent Call termination fails in querying isg
for split User ID.
1319 Call record sftw failure Incoming QSIG call completion ringout call.
Failure retrieving suspended Temporary
Signaling Connection (TSC) call record from
service dispatcher.
1320 Call record sftw failure Incoming QSIG call completion ringout call. Call
completion ringout call record does not match
Temporary Signaling Connection (TSC) call
record retrieved from service dispatcher
1321 Illegal term to rmt Audix Adjunct Switch Application Interface (ASAI)
switch classified call. Illegal attempt to terminate
off-switch to a remote AUDIX.
1322 Data to station w/o H.320 ATA call to station type endpoint, but the station
does not have the H.320 conversion flag set.
1323 Dgt collection setup fail Authorization code received, terminate to local
extension, origination from ISDN trunk or
endpoint, error during end-to-end signaling digit
collection setup.
1324 Data Ext code calling Code calling by a data extension.
1325 ASAI SCC to UDP nite svc ASAI Switch Classified Call (SCC) to hunt group
with UDP night service. This type of call is not
allowed to go off-switch.
1326 MM to Attd ctrld trunk Multimedia user is not allowed to call a trunk
under attendant control, Attendant Control of
Trunk Group Active (ACTGA).
1327 Obtaining Attd UID fails Call to trunk under attendant control (Attendant
Control of Trunk Group Active (ACTGA)). Failure
getting attendant User ID from dpm.
1328 Term to ACTGA Attd fails Call to trunk under attendant control (Attendant
Control of Trunk Group Active (ACTGA)). Failure
terminating caller to controlling attendant.
1329 Term to inappropriate pt Block termination to incoming-only type trunk or
user with voice bearer termination to a DEXT
1330 Iterative term attd-retry Call termination failure rerouting to attendant.
Retry of termination to attendant was blocked to
prevent an endless retry.
1331 Italian misoperation Italian misoperation treatment.
Table 50: Call Process denial events (1225 - 1899) (continued)
Event Description, as it
appears on the event log
Explanation Event
Data 1
Event Data 2
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