Communication Manager Maintenance-Object Repair Procedures
1942 Maintenance Procedures for Avaya Communication Manager 3.0, Media Gateways and Servers
RING-GEN (Analog Ring Generator)
S8700 | 8710
Analog phones must be provided with a voltage that allows them to ring. The Analog Ring
Generator MO represents the device that provides the ringing voltage for every analog phone
associated with a given cabinet. In a multicarrier cabinet, the ring generator resides in the power
distribution unit. It is protected by a fuse located next to the main circuit breaker on the front of
the unit. In single-carrier cabinets, the ring generator is part of the WP-91153 power supply.
Failure of the ring generator results in loss of ringing on analog phones. Ringing on digital and
hybrid phones is not affected.
The ringing voltage is monitored by the Tone-Clock circuit pack. In a port network with
duplicated Tone-Clocks, the active Tone-Clock performs this function. In a PN made up of
single-carrier cabinets, the Tone-Clock monitors the ringing voltage of only the carrier where it
The TN2036 Voltage Range circuit pack provides easy access for testing the various voltages
on the backplane pins.
Error Log Entries and Test to Clear Values
a. Error Type 0: run the short test sequence first. If every test passes, run the long test
sequence. Refer to each test’s description, and follow its procedures.
MO Name in
Alarm Log
Initial SAT Command to Run Full Name of MO
RING-GEN MAJ test environment location Analog Ring Generator
Table 714: Analog Ring Generator Error Log Entries
Associated Test Alarm
Test to Clear Value
0 (a) 0 Any Any Any test environment location
1 Analog Ring
Generator Query
MAJ ON test environment location r 3