Denial Event Tables
Issue 1 June 2005 203
1447 TTR port type query fail Facilities Access Test call - Touch Tone Receiver
(TTR) test. CM query for TTR port type fails.
1448 Tested not trunk or TTR Facilities Access Test call - user type being tested
is neither a trunk or Touch Tone Receiver (TTR),
but logic that got us here thought it was.
1449 Vis Imprd Svc incompatibl Facilities Access Test call - this feature is not
compatible with Visually Impaired Service.
1450 FAT call error Facilities Access Test call. Possible causes:
● CM error connecting to tone or
maintenance timeslot
● necessary number of digits not dialed for
tone or timeslot call
● on trunk or Touch Tone Receiver (TTR),
call conversion of external ID to internal
ID failed, or portid to User ID mapping
1451 Connection to music error Facilities Access Test call to a music port. CM
error connecting to music.
1452 FAT non-ISDN COR rstrct Facilities Access Test (FAT) call to a trunk. User
is Class of Restriction (COR) restricted from
making a FAT test of the non-ISDN trunk.
1453 FAT test RLT/DID illegal Facilities Access Test (FAT) call to a trunk. FAT is
allowed for this trunk type, Release Link Trunk
(RLT) or Direct Inward Dialing (DID).
1454 Trk svc state change fail Facilities Access Test call to a trunk. Failure
moving trunk from out-of-service state to
in-service. Might be a bad User ID.
1455 FarEnd TstLn nbr qry fail Facilities Access Test call to a PRI trunk. GM
query for far end ISDN test line number failed
1456 FarEnd TstLn nbr invalid Facilities Access Test call to a PRI trunk. Invalid
digit in far end test line number.
1457 FarEnd TstLn nbr invalid Facilities Access Test call to a PRI trunk. Invalid
digit in far end test line number.
1458 Wrg Bch svc/usg/mnt state Facilities Access Test (FAT) call to a PRI trunk.
Wrong B-channel service, usage or maintenance
state to allow FAT test.
1459 Bad user Id Facilities Access Test call to a trunk. Might be a
bad User ID.
1460 Trk grp qry/get TAC Facilities Access Test call to a trunk. um_query
failure getting trunk’s group User ID
(QTRKGRPUID)? dpm_dgtget() failure getting
trunk group’s “real” dial access code.
1461 User Cverage path missing User activating Send All Calls does not have
coverage path allowing Send All Calls. If user is
an Expert Agent Selection (EAS) agent neither
the agent or station has a coverage path.
Table 50: Call Process denial events (1225 - 1899) (continued)
Event Description, as it
appears on the event log
Explanation Event
Data 1
Event Data 2
11 of 33