Communication Manager Maintenance-Object Repair Procedures
1596 Maintenance Procedures for Avaya Communication Manager 3.0, Media Gateways and Servers
Echo cancellation on the MM710 is selectable per channel, even though it is administrable on a
trunk group basis. For example, if all but two ports on a MM710 need to have echo cancellation
applied, those two ports must be put in a trunk group where the DS1 Echo Cancellation field is
set to n. The remaining ports will be in a trunk group(s) where the DS1 Echo Cancellation field
is set to y. A user will have the ability to cancel echo coming from the network (far-end echo) or
coming from the switch (near-end echo).
Media Module Administration and Options
The DS1 configuration for each Media Module is administered on the DS1 Media Module form.
Bit Rate is set to 1.544 Mbps for 24-channel systems, and 2.048 Mbps for 32-channel systems.
Country Protocol is used to drive layer 3 protocol decisions based on PRI specifications
specific to a given country (not those related to specific features). This Country Protocol is
independent of the parameters administered on the system-parameters
country-options form. Different MM710 Media Modules may be administered with different
Country Protocols, allowing the switch to act as a gateway between two incompatible ISDN-PRI
implementations (for example, between two different countries). US systems use country
protocol 1.
CAUTION: Echo cancellation is administered in part by administering an echo cancellation
plan. The DS1 Echo Cancellation Plan 1 uses a 96ms echo tail and introduces
6db of loss for additional cancellation. Because no digital facilities have ever
introduced loss, this is an unexpected side effect of the Plan 1 echo cancellation
feature. Since services personnel might not expect to find it there, services might
try to change the loss plan to compensate, which can lead to other problems.
Error Log Entries and Test to Clear Values
Table 589: DS1 Interface Media Module Maintenance Error Log Entries
Associated Test Alarm
Test to Clear Value
0 (a) 0 Any Any Any test board location
1 (b
)0 Media Gateway
removed or SAKI
Test (#53)
18 (c
)0 busyout board
WRN OFF release board location
23 (d
)0 WRNOFFadd ds1 location
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