Communication Manager Maintenance-Object Repair Procedures
748 Maintenance Procedures for Avaya Communication Manager 3.0, Media Gateways and Servers
Correct Board test (#1546)
The TN2312BP IPSI board is required for the environmental functions to work in the G650
media gateway. This test verifies that the proper IPSI is inserted in the G650.
Sanity test (#1547)
The TN2312BP is queried to determine whether or not it can sustain basic sanity.
Table 255: Test #1546 Correct board test
Description and recommendation
2500 ABRT An internal operation failed.
1. Repeat the command at one-minute intervals 1 to 3 times.
1 FAIL For G650 or CMC1 media gateways: A TN2312AP IPSI has been inserted.
PASS For G600 media gateways: Either a TN2312AP or TN2312BP IPSI is present.
PASS For CMC1, G600, and G650 media gateways: A TN2312BP IPSI is present.
Table 256: Test #1547 Sanity test
Description and recommendation
1000 ABRT There is an internal system error.
1. Repeat the command at one-minute intervals 1 to 3 times.
1981 ABRT The TN2312BP IPSI is busied out.
1. Enter the release ipserver-interface command.
1982 ABRT The board being tested is NOT a TN2312BP IPSI or later.
1. Insert a TN2312BP IPSI circuit pack.
2033 ABRT
There is an internal system error.
2500 ABRT An internal operation failed (Possible unknown cabinet type).
1. Repeat the command at one-minute intervals 1 to 3 times.
FAIL The TN2312BP in carrier A is missing. If an incorrect or no response from
firmware is received back when the board is queried, this test will also fail.
PASS The correct board is present and a valid response was received for a sanity