ETH-PT (Control LAN Ethernet)
Issue 1 June 2005 1155
d. Error Type 769: Port received invalid frame.
Invalid Ethernet frame errors occur when the frame:
● Contains a bad cyclic redundancy check (CRC)
● Is misaligned
1. Isolate the problem with the Ethernet Local Looparound test (#1278).
2. Test the port (test port location long).
3. Verify the repair with the Ethernet Local Looparound test (#1278).
4. Clear the alarm (test port location long clear).
e. Error Type 1281: System software received an indication that the far end has requested a
disconnect of a session on this link. This is a log-only error.
f. Error Type 1537–1538: Some or all sessions on a port are down
1. Test the port (test port location short).
2. Refer to Session Status test (#1286) repair procedure to verify repair.
g. Error Type 1793–1920: System software received an indication that a socket was closed
due to an error.
The error type indicates the application associated with this socket. (Whereas, the Aux Data
indicates the internal application number.)
If: Then the switch raises:
Some sessions are down WARNING alarm on circuit pack
Every session is down MINOR alarm on circuit pack
Error Type Application
1793 Unused
1794 DCS
1795 AUDIX
1796 CMS
1797 ISDN Gateway
1798–1920 Reserved for future