DTMR-PT (Dual-Tone Multifrequency Receiver Port)
Issue 1 June 2005 1115
DTMR-PT (Dual-Tone Multifrequency Receiver Port)
S8700 | 8710 / S8500
Dual-Tone Multifrequency Receiver ports (DTMR), also known as Touch-Tone Receivers
(TTRs), reside on the following circuit packs:
● TN748
● TN420
● TN756
● TN744B and TN744C
● TN2182
● TN2312AP
● TN2312BP
There are four Dual-Tone Multifrequency Receiver (DTMR-PT) ports and two General Purpose
Tone Detector (GPTD-PT) ports on the TN748, TN420 and TN756 Tone Detector packs. There
are eight GPTD-PT ports on each TN744, TN2182 and TN2312AP circuit packs. The GPTD
ports can be used for TTR, call progress tone detection, call prompting, MF signaling, dial tone
detection, CO answer detection and OCM call classification. The DTMR port is used to detect
touch-tone digits that are placed on the Time Division Multiplex (TDM) bus. Examples of
touch-tone digits are digits 0 through 9, digit #, and digit *. The ability of the DTMR port to detect
touch-tone digits is essential for maintenance of other circuit packs (for example, IPSI circuit
pack) and in placing a station-to-station call. Calls originating from a hybrid station do not
require a DTMR port.
The DTMR-PT MO implements a set of tests to ensure that detection of touch-tone digits by the
DTMR port is functioning properly. For any Tone Detector circuit-level error (DETR-BD), see
XXX-BD (Common Port Circuit Pack/Media Module)
on page 2539.
MO Name in
Alarm Log
Initial SAT Command to Run Full Name of MO
DTMR-PT MAJ test port location sh Dual-Tone Multifrequency
Receiver port (TTR)
DTMR-PT MIN test port location sh Dual-Tone Multifrequency
Receiver port (TTR)
DTMR-PT WRN release port location Dual-Tone Multifrequency
Receiver port (TTR)