Denial Event Tables
Issue 1 June 2005 249
Dial Plan Manager Denial Events
Event Types 2400 - 2406 show Dial Plan Manager denial events, as listed in Dial Plan Manager
denial events (2400 - 2406) on page 249.
Data Manager Denial Events
Event Types 3001 - 3003 show Data Manager denial events, as listed in Table 56: Data Manager
generated Denial Events (3001 - 3003) on page 249.
Table 55: Dial Plan Manager denial events (2400 - 2406)
Event Description, as it
appears on the event log
Explanation Event
Data 1
Data 2
2400 UDP: too many conversions Digit conversion counter exceeded.
2401 UDP: node-rte pat blank Node number route pattern is blank.
2402 UDP: ENP code blank ENP numbering prefix is blank.
2403 Loc Digits Size incorrect Location Prefix digits size is not n, where the UDP form’s
matching row, Insert digits field is Ln.
2404 Var-in-Vec No adm for VAC Variable Access Code (VAC) in Variables in Vector Table not
2405 Var-in-Vec Invalid digit Invalid digit entered, or Feature Access Code corrupted from
call_p to dp_mgr.
2406 Unadministered annc ext Unadministered announcement extension for a location.
Table 56: Data Manager generated Denial Events (3001 - 3003)
Event Type Event Description, as it appears on the event log Explanation
3001 Bridge in use indicate PR_BRIDGE object is in use
3002 Button in use PR_BUTTON/PR_BTNTTI object is in use
3003 Station/Trunk in use one of the station/trunk PREC object is in use