Denial Events
226 Maintenance Procedures for Avaya Communication Manager 3.0, Media Gateways and Servers
User Manager Events
Event Types 1900 - 1906 show User Manager-generated denial events, as listed in User
Manager denial events (1900 - 1906) on page 226.
IP Denial Events
Event Types 1907 - 2079 show IP denial events, as listed in IP Denial Events (1907 - 2020) on
page 226.
Table 51: User Manager denial events (1900 - 1906)
Event Description, as it
appears on the event log
Explanation Event
Data 1
Data 2
1900 Invalid CFWD destination CF_DEST digits do not map to station User ID.
1901 Control Restrn Check fail Control Restriction.
1902 Enhanced Abbr List Failur Enhanced Abbreviated Dialing entry length failed.
1903 LWC Button xln Error Ignore Leave Word Calling button push due to bad translation.
1904 Override for the PGN disa User not allowed to activate override for this partition
1905 Auto selection of DID dis Automatic selection of Direct Inward Dialing numbers is disabled.
1906 SA8428 Btn Ring Ctl disab SA8428 Station User Button Ring Control has been disabled,
ignore button-ring button push.
Table 52: IP Denial Events (1907 - 2020)
Event Description, as it
appears on the event log
Explanation Event Data 1 Event Data 2
1907 IP RRJ-Invalid RAS addr IP Registration Rejected because the
RAS address in the registration request
(RRQ) is invalid.
0 IP address of
the endpoint
1908 IP RRJ-Invld call SigAddr IP Registration Rejection because the call
signaling address in the registration
request (RRQ) is invalid.
0 IP address of
the endpoint
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