Communication Manager Maintenance-Object Repair Procedures
798 Maintenance Procedures for Avaya Communication Manager 3.0, Media Gateways and Servers
u. Error Type 3841-3843: errors do not affect service.
Below, Error Types correspond to descriptions.
These errors do not affect service, however, they may cause reports of other errors that do
affect service.
If Error Type 3843 begins to affect service, it escalates to Error Type 1294.
v. Error Type 3842: Packet interface receive buffers overflowed.
If this error occurs frequently, the overflow may be congesting the circuit pack.
1. Refer to Receive FIFO Overflow Error Counter test (#596).
w. Error Type 3844: LAPD frame contains LAPD protocol error.
By themselves, these errors do not affect service.
x. Error Type 3845: Angel interprocessor error.
By themselves, these errors do not affect service.
y. Error Type 3846: High CPU occupancy.
By themselves, these errors do not affect service.
z. Error Type 3848: Interprocessor LAPD protocol error.
By themselves, these errors do not affect service.
aa. Error Type 3849: Interprocessor LAPD frame error.
By themselves, these errors do not affect service.
ab. Error Type 3850 - 3861: IBL error.
By themselves, these errors do not affect service. These errors can occur only on a G3csi
machine that has an Interboard Link (IBL).
ac. Error Type 3862: Memory allocation failure.
By themselves, these errors do not affect service.
ad. Error Type 3865:
S8700 | 8710 / S8500: CLAN DLCI audit action has removed CIP only DLCIs.
By themselves, these errors do not affect service.
ae. Error Type 3866:
S8700 | 8710 / S8500: CLAN DLCI audit action has removed CLAN only
DLCIs. By themselves, these errors do not affect service.
af. Error Type 2820: A threshold number of sockets in use for IP endpoint registration per
C-LAN can be administered by the customer. When the threshold is reached, a warning
message is logged, but IP endpoints can still register with that C-LAN if it has additional
sockets available. The warning can be viewed using display errors.
3841 Internal firmware error.
3843 Bad translation RAM. Call uses another translation location.