Denial Events
210 Maintenance Procedures for Avaya Communication Manager 3.0, Media Gateways and Servers
1556 Annc/music connect fail Wakeup announcement verification. Failure of
the CM to connect a wakeup announcement or
music to the call.
1557 Wakeup annc vfy COS deny Call originator does not have Class of Service
permission to verify wakeup announcements.
1558 Maid status PMS msg fail Sending the PMA_MDSTATUS message to the
PMS failed.
1559 Maid status ext COS deny Maid status Feature Access Code dialed from a
room station that does not have Class of Service
1560 Maid info digits qry fail Query of DPM for number of maid info digits
1561 Maid status PMS msg fail Send of a PMA_MDSTATUS message to the
PMS failed.
1562 Maid status ext COS deny Maid status Feature Access Code dialed from a
designated station that does not have Class of
Service permission.
1563 Maid status ftr ID invld Processes the dialed maid status code, but callr
feat_id is invalid for either maid status dialed from
a guest room or from a designated station.
1564 PMS rejects hskp status Property Management System rejects
housekeeping status v.
1565 PMS hskp response invalid Property Management System response to
housekeeping status is invalid. (CP_MDRES)
1566 Guest rm station COS deny Routing call to Property Management System to
log or obtain guest room status. The User ID of
the station entered by the user is not Class of
Service identified as a guest room station.
1567 Maid info digits qry fail Routing call to Property Management System to
log or obtain guest room status. Query of DPM for
number of maid information digits failed.
1568 Maid status PMS msg fail Routing call to Property Management System
(PMS) to log or obtain guest room status. Send of
a PMA_MDSTATUS message to the PMS failed.
1569 Voice msg type call_r flg Digit timeout waiting for entry of Do Not Disturb
turn-off time or entry of Automatic Wakeup time.
callr does not have this flagged as a Voice
message type call (vtype).
1570 (also
in Table 49
TTR insertion failed Processing incoming digits for ISDN call.
Insertion of Touch Tone Receiver (TTR) to collect
in-band digits failed.
1571 WSS no callng pty nbr IE Processing incoming digits for ISDN call. A
General Central Office (GCO) Wireless
Subscriber System (WSS) call origination denied
- no calling party number IE was sent.
Table 50: Call Process denial events (1225 - 1899) (continued)
Event Description, as it
appears on the event log
Explanation Event
Data 1
Event Data 2
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