Denial Events
180 Maintenance Procedures for Avaya Communication Manager 3.0, Media Gateways and Servers
1040 Acd_login GM/UM set up of the Automatic Call Distribution
(ACD) Logical Agent login info failed after
password matching succeeded.
1041 DS0 loop around failed Incoming ds0 test call failed to set up
non-inverting digital loop-around capability.
1042 TTR_unavail Facility Access Test. Touch Tone Receiver (TTR)
is missing, did not get attached, might be in use
by some other call.
1043 Specified TTR unavailable Facility Access Test. The specified Touch Tone
Receiver (TTR) needed to collect digits was in
1044 reserve for FAT fat_compl Facility Access Test. Reserved for silent reorder
on the chance that recoding is required.
1045 FAT tone test failed Facility Access Test. The test to hear tone failed.
The Expansion Network Link might be down.
1046 Specified TSLOT busy Facility Access Test. Specified timeslot was busy.
1047 Music port connect fail Facility Access Test. Completing call to music port
failed. EPN Link might be down, or music port is
not administered.
1048 FAT trunk busy Facility Access Test - completing call to trunk.
Trunk is busy.
1049 ISDN trunk busy Facility Access Test - completing call to ISDN
trunk. Trunk is busy.
1050 Illegal Message Retrieval Remote access users are not allowed access to
messages via voice coverage message retrieval.
1051 Speech Port unavailable No voice synthesis speech port is available for
coverage message retrieval.
1052 Called announcement busy Call to announcement, but announcement is busy.
1053 Chime tone connection Connection of a chime tone to a service failed.
There might be an invalid service ID or software
1054 TTR_unavail Collection of password digits needs a Touch Tone
Receiver (TTR). No in-service TTRs are available.
1055 No call to cancel Deactivate automatic callback (ACB) was denied
or outgoing trunk queueing (OTQ) was denied.
The Caller ID of the ACB/OTQ call to be cancelled
could not be found. There might be nothing to
1056 Adjct Rte calls can't Que Adjunct Switch Application Interface (ASAI)
adjunct originated switch classified calls and
adjunct-routed calls are not allowed to queue.
1057 COS - Auto Callback User's Class of Service does not permit activation
of automatic callback.
Table 48: Call Process denial events (1001 - 1172) (continued)
Event Description, as it
appears on the event log
Explanation Event
Data 1
Event Data 2
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