Issue 1 June 2005 1097
d. Error Type 25: The 24/32-channel option switch setting on the TN1654 circuit pack does
not match the administered Bit Rate on the fiber-link screen. If the on-board switch setting is
wrong, the circuit pack must be physically removed to change the setting of the board
option switch. If the administered bit rate is wrong, use change fiber-link to correct it.
e. Error Type 218: The DS1 converter board is physically installed in a slot different than its
administered slot. Remove the DS1 converter board and install it in its administered slot or
execute remove fiber-link followed by add fiber-link to re-add the fiber-link
setting the DS1 converter board’s administered location to the physically installed slot.
f. Error Type 257: A minor hardware error has occurred in a common part of the circuit pack,
not circuit or packet specific. Replace the DS1 converter circuit pack.
g. Error Type 513, Aux Data 1: A major hardware problem has occurred that affects only
circuit data being received from the DS1 converter circuit pack. Replace the DS1 converter
circuit pack.
h. Error Type 513, Aux Data 2: A major hardware problem has occurred that affects only
circuit data being transmitted from the DS1 converter circuit pack. Replace the DS1
converter circuit pack.
i. Error Type 513, Aux Data 3: A major hardware problem has occurred that affects only
packet data being received from the DS1 converter circuit pack. Replace the DS1 converter
circuit pack.
j. Error Type 513, Aux Data 4: A major hardware problem has occurred that affects only
packet data being transmitted from the DS1 converter circuit pack. Replace the DS1
converter circuit pack.
k. Error Type 513, Aux Data 5: A major lightwave transceiver transmit error occurred that
affects data transmitted from the fiber link to the DS1 facility. Replace the DS1 converter
circuit pack.
l. Error Type 769, Aux Data 1: This error only applies to TN574 DS1 converter circuit packs.
If the alarm is on board, then a minor hardware problem has occurred that affects only
circuit data being received from the DS1 converter circuit pack. Replace the DS1 converter
circuit pack.
If the alarm is off board, then either a minor hardware problem has occurred that affects only
circuit data being received into the DS1 converter circuit pack or a good clock signal cannot
be recovered from one of the DS1 facilities.
1. Enter display errors and follow the associated repair procedures for any SYNC,
TDM-CLK, and SNC-BD errors.
2. Enter display errors and follow the associated repair procedures for any DS1-FAC
3. If the problem persists, replace the DS1 converter circuit pack.