Communication Manager Maintenance-Object Repair Procedures
1500 Maintenance Procedures for Avaya Communication Manager 3.0, Media Gateways and Servers
PN Maintenance Circuit Pack Sanity Maze
Test (#303)
The processor on the PN’s Maintenance circuit pack has direct access to special registers in the
Maintenance circuit pack. These registers are tied to such things as the Expansion Interface
circuit pack reset leads and Carrier Port Power Unit reset leads (which enable the PN’s
Maintenance circuit pack to recycle carriers). To prevent an insane Maintenance circuit pack
from inadvertently controlling these external devices, a special interface called the Sanity Maze
is provided that must first be navigated by the Maintenance circuit pack processor prior to any
register access. There are two parts to the test. Part 1 involves navigating the Sanity Maze to
toggle an unused lead. Part 2 attempts to toggle an unused lead without first navigating the
Sanity Maze. The Sanity Maze test passes if Part 1 is successful and Part 2 fails.
PASS The on-board circuitry associated with both Expansion Interface circuit
pack serial links is good. If there is still a problem communicating with the
PN’s Maintenance circuit pack, check the following:
1. The cable comprising the serial link (B carrier Expansion Interface
circuit pack to PN’s Maintenance circuit pack only) may be defective.
2. The PN’s Maintenance circuit pack may actually be defective.
This test may not be 100 percent accurate.
3. The Expansion Interface circuit pack on the standby link may be
Table 538: Test #229 Serial Channel Local Loop-Around Test (continued)
Description / Recommendation
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Table 539: Test #303 PN’s Maintenance Circuit Pack Sanity Maze Test
Description / Recommendation
1000 ABRT System resources required to run this test are not available.
1. Retry the command at 1-minute intervals up to 5 times.
2000 ABRT Response to the test was not received within the allowable time period.
1. Retry the command at 1-minute intervals up to 5 times.
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