Denial Event Tables
Issue 1 June 2005 233
IP GRJ-GK will not host Gatekeeper request rejected because the
gatekeeper is unwilling to host endpoint
because no alias address has been
Endpoint type
sent in GRQ
IP address of
the endpoint
1958 IP GRJ-Invalid extension Gatekeeper request rejected because the
extension is not administered.
Either extension
number or 0
IP address of
the endpoint
1959 IP GRJ-No stn user record Gatekeeper request rejected because no
station user record exists for registering
this user (internal software error).
UID IP address of
the endpoint
1960 IP FURQ-Shared Ctrl Unreg Forced Unregistration Request: The
Gatekeeper is unregistering the IP
Softphone because it is in shared control
with IP Telephone, and the Telephone is
UID IP address of IP
1961 IP GRJ-Build GCF msg Gatekeeper request rejected because of
failure to build a GateKeeper Confirm
(GCF) message (internal software error).
UID IP address of
the endpoint
1962 IP LRJ-No H323 sig group Location Request rejected because no
H.323 signaling group is administered to
handle the call.
UID IP address of
the far-end
1963 IP LRJ-Build LCF msg Location Request rejected because of
failure to build a Location Request
Confirm (LCF) message (internal
software error).
UID IP address
1964 IP DRJ-Null UserID Disengage Request rejected because the
endpoint ID could not be converted to a
User ID (UID).
UID IP address
1965 IP DRJ-Bld DCF:Gatewy/
Disengage Request rejected because of
failure to build Disengage Request
Confirm (DCF) message for a gateway or
MCU (internal software error).
UID IP address
1966 IP DRJ-Endpt not reg Disengage Request rejected because the
endpoint is not registered.
UID IP address
1967 IP DRJ-Build DCF msg Disengage Request rejected because of
failure to build a Disengage Request
Confirm (DCF) message for a
non-gateway or MCU user (internal
software error).
UID IP address
1968 IP BRJ-Null UserID Bandwidth Request rejected because an
invalid endpoint ID was received.
0 IP address
1969 IP BRJ-Bld BCF:Gatewy/
Bandwidth Request rejected because of
failure to build a Bandwidth Request
Confirm (BCF) message for a Gateway or
MCU (internal software error).
UID IP address
1970 IP BRJ-Endpt not reg Bandwidth Request rejected because the
endpoint is not registered.
UID IP address
Table 52: IP Denial Events (1907 - 2020) (continued)
Event Description, as it
appears on the event log
Explanation Event Data 1 Event Data 2
8 of 13