Communication Manager Maintenance-Object Repair Procedures
1470 Maintenance Procedures for Avaya Communication Manager 3.0, Media Gateways and Servers
1019 ABRT Another Test call is in progress.
1. Enter list isdn-testcall to locate the test call.
2. Enter status isdn-testcall to find out the duration and start time
of the test call.
3. Enter clear isdn-testcall to stop the test call from running.
4. If time and duration indicate that the test call should have stopped, and
clear isdn-testcall does not work, seeM/T-DIG (Maintenance/
Test D ig ital Po rt ) on page 1709 for recommended maintenance
1020 ABRT There is a problem with the DS1 Interface circuit pack.
1. See DS1-BD (DS1 Interface Circuit Pack)
on page 978 or UDS1-BD
(UDS1 Interface Circuit Pack) on page 2374.
1024 ABRT (M/T-DIG) Maintenance/Test Digital Port in use.
1. Wait until yellow and green LEDs are turned off on the M/T-BD
(Maintenance/Test circuit pack).M/T-DIG (Maintenance/Test Digital
Port) on page 1709
2. Retry test. If problem persists, seeM/T-DIG (Maintenance/Test Digital
Port) on page 1709.
1113 ABRT The signaling link has failed. Therefore, the system cannot send any
messages on behalf of this trunk.
1. Check the results of the Signaling Link State Check test (#255).
1116 ABRT The switch could not appropriately change the ISDN service state.
1. Enter status trunk grp#/mem# to determine whether a call is
active on this DS1 ISDN trunk. If so, proceed as for Error Code 1119.
2. If not, check the Error and Alarm Logs for problems with this
1117 ABRT ISDN Service message is already outstanding.
1. Wait 2 minutes. Then try again.
Table 530: Test #258 ISDN Test Call (continued)
Description / Recommendation
2 of 6