Denial Events
188 Maintenance Procedures for Avaya Communication Manager 3.0, Media Gateways and Servers
1153 ARS man activation queing Manual activation of queueing seen while in ARS
supervision - ARS DAC has been dialed.
1154 Outgoing trk seizure fail Seize failed. Indicates either:
● a problem with the selected trunk
● an incoming call was received on a trunk
selected for an outgoing call in busy
verification on non-Distributed
Communication System (DCS) call type
and not bridge-on case.
1155 Bsy Vfy digit timeout Digit timeout while in busy verification on
non-DCS call type and not bridge-on case.
1156 Connection resrce unavail Connection resource not available. this is an
administered connection.
1157 TTR_unavail Activate service observing feature. Initiated from a
vector step and only the Feature Access Code of
service observing is in the vector step. End-to-end
signaling digit collection of extension to be
observed could not get a Touch Tone Receiver
1158 Svc Obsv Ext table full Validation of service observed extension. No room
in software table to store service observing User
1159 Cancel wakeup failed Collect digits for time used by the wakeup
features. Could not cancel wakeup.
1160 Activate wakeup failed Collect digits for time used by the wakeup
features. Could not activate wakeup time.
Possible causes:
● previous request exists and cancel flag
not set
● wakeup request time is too close
● 15 min interval limit exceeded
● system limit on requests exceeded?
1161 Max# connected parties Whisper page - bridging to a call that has
maximum number of parties already connected.
1162 Max# connected parties Whisper page - bridging to call that has maximum
number of parties already connected.
1163 TTR_TDM_VC Time Division Multiplexed (TDM) Voice Condition
(VC) creation for Touch Tone Receiver (TTR)
failed while in whisper supervision.
(also in
Table 49
ISDN no cause value Outgoing ISDN trunk rejected/ dropped by far end DIAG/LOC/CV
1165 Attd ctrl of ARS pref (s) Attendant control of trunk group access ARS
(also in
Table 49
Unassigned number Unassigned number.
Table 48: Call Process denial events (1001 - 1172) (continued)
Event Description, as it
appears on the event log
Explanation Event
Data 1
Event Data 2
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