CAB-TEMP (Cabinet Temperature)
Issue 1 June 2005 757
Power supply fan test (#1538)
The power supply fan test verifies that the fan alarm lead from the fan assembly is not active.
Table 261: Test #1538 power supply fan
Description and recommendation
1000 ABRT This is an internal software error.
1035 ABRT The port network is not available.
2028 ABRT There is a problem communicating with the environmental maintenance
2100 ABRT The system could not allocate resources.
1. Repeat the command at one-minute intervals 1 to 3 times.
2319 ABRT The EPN is out of range.
2500 ABRT An internal operation failed. Retry the command.
FAIL The fan alarm lead from the fan assembly is active.
1. Verify proper operation of the fan assembly.
2. Replace the fan assembly. See G650 fan removal/replacement
Maintenance Procedures (03-300192).
PASS The fan alarm lead from the fan assembly is not active.
The power supply is administered but not detected.
1. Verify that the power supply is plugged in.
2. Replace the power supply.