Downloading this book and updates from the Web
Issue 1 June 2005 17
This book is not intended to solve all levels of troubles. It is limited to troubles that can be solved
● The Alarm Log
● The Error Log
● Trouble-clearing procedures
● Maintenance tests
● Traditional troubleshooting methods
If the trouble still has not been resolved, it is the maintenance technician’s responsibility to
escalate the problem to a higher level of technical support. Escalation should conform to the
procedures in the Technical and Administration Escalation Plan.
Downloading this book and updates from the Web
You can download the latest version of this book from the Avaya Web site. You must have
access to the Internet, and a copy of Acrobat Reader must be installed on your personal
Avaya makes every effort to ensure that the information in this book is complete and accurate.
However, information can change after we publish this book. Therefore, the Avaya Web site
might also contain new product information and updates to the information in this book. You can
also download these updates from the Avaya Web site.
Downloading this book
To download the latest version of this book:
1. Access the Avaya web site at http://support.avaya.com.
2. At the top center of the page, click Product Documentation.
The system displays the Welcome to Product Documentation page.
3. In the upper-left corner type the 9-digit book number in the Search Support field, and then
click Go.
The system displays the Product Documentation Search Results page.
4. Scroll down to find the latest issue number, and then click the book title that is to the right of
the latest issue number.
5. On the next page, scroll down and click one of the following options:
● PDF Format to download the book in regular PDF format
● ZIP Format to download the book in zipped PDF format