Denial Event Tables
Issue 1 June 2005 221
1703 Whisp pg query fail Whisper paging - shouldn’t see this - sim_quer/
su_query don’t develop GQRY_AE response to
1704 Whisp pg usr not allowed Whisper paging. User is not allowed to make
whisper pages.
1705 Whisp pg query fail Whisper paging. QWHISP_PG type gm_query
1706 Wake up typ/voice actvat VIP and DAILY type wakeup cannot be modified
or deleted via voice-activated process.
1707 No attd to rcv wakeup Voice synthesizer is not available. Routing
automatic wakeup call to attendant, but no
attendant. (TN725).
1708 No attd to rcv wakeup Voice synthesizer not available. Routing
automatic wakeup call to attendant, but no
attendant. (TN725).
1709 Bsy vfy term is PCOL Busy verify is denied, the principal terminator is
Personal Central Office Line (PCOL).
1710 Bsy vfy is term rstrctd Busy verify is termination restricted.
1711 Bsy vfy dgt invalid/tmo While collecting digits for busy verification,
supervisor got an indication of invalid digit or digit
1712 Ofhk alrt tmo intvl admin Standard action stimulus processing. Station,
attendant, or analog adjunct data extension
originated off-hook alert feature activation, but no
off-hook alert timeout interval is administered.
1713 Bsy vfy dgt invalid/tmo While collecting trunk member number digits for
busy verification, supervisor got an indication of
invalid digit or digit timeout.
1714 Whisp pg term is PCOL Whisper page feature activated, principal
terminator is Personal Central Office Line
1715 Whisp pg is term rstrctd Whisper page feature activated, whisper page is
termination restricted.
1716 Software invalid stim Whisper page feature activated, whisper page
supervisor saw an invalid Call Processing (CP)
stimulus while collecting station digits.
1717 Self Sta Display denial Self Station Disp feature activated, either
activated from a bridged appearance or GRP_M
1718 Grp call pkup not enabled Group Call pickup is not enabled.
1719 Invalid dgts collected Invalid digits are collected in dgt_egpkup().
1720 QSIG VM-no simple uid Could not obtain simple user User ID for an SS-B
ISDN trunk.
Table 50: Call Process denial events (1225 - 1899) (continued)
Event Description, as it
appears on the event log
Explanation Event
Data 1
Event Data 2
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