Issue 1 June 2005 2251
Digit Detection Test (#297)
This test is executed on the Non-Control Channel bus. The Tone-Clock circuit is told to put a
tone on the Non-Control Channel bus and the Tone Detector circuit is told to listen to it. The test
passes if the tone is successfully transmitted on the Non-Control Channel bus.
Table 804: Test #297 Digit Detection Test
Description / Recommendation
ABRT Could not allocate the necessary system resources to run this test.
1005 ABRT Since this test is valid only on the non-control channel bus, it aborts
execution when run on the control channel bus. This is a valid response.
Use status port-network to verify which bus is the control channel
2000 ABRT Response to the test request was not received within the allowable time
1. Retry the command at 1-minute intervals up to 3 times.
None FAIL This failure indicates that communication on the Non-Control Channel is
not reliable.
1. Execute the command again.
2. If the problem persists, test the active Tone-Clock circuit and Tone
Detector circuit/circuit pack in the port network where the faulted TDM
bus resides, to make sure they are healthy. See TONE-BD
(Tone-Clock Circuit) on page 2327, TONE-PT (Tone Generator) on
page 2353, GPTD-PT (General-Purpose Tone Detector Port)
page 1308, and DTMR-PT (Dual-Tone Multifrequency Receiver
Port) on page 1115.
3. Execute the command again.
4. If the problems persists, see TDM-Bus Fault Detection and
Isolation on page 2238.
PASS The non-control channel bus is operational.