Event Data
Issue 1 June 2005 151
Cause Value 45
[0x2D/0xAD] -
The call could not be completed because the equipment sending this Cause Value does not
have the requested B-channel in a maintenance state that allows for call requests to be
Communication Manager does not support this Cause Value.
Cause Value 46
[0x2E/0xAE] -
Precedence call Blocked
For Autovon switching networks, the call could not complete because the remote endpoint is
busy with a call that has a higher priority.
Cause Value 47
[0x2F/0xAF] -
Resource unavailable, unspecified/
New destination (4ESS/5ESS: 4/5 Electronic Switching System)
Cause Value 47 indicates a resource unavailable event only when no other cause in the
resource unavailable class applies.
Cause Value 47 (4ESS/5ESS) If this Cause Value is returned in a RELEASE_COMPLETE or
DISCONNECT message and the customer is an Alternate Destination Call Redirection (ADCR)
subscriber, it invokes call redirection.
Communication Manager does not originate Cause Value 47.
Service or Option not Available Class Cause Values
Cause Value 49
[0x31/0xB1] -
Quality of service unavailable
The call could not be completed because the quality of service requested in the SETUP as
defined in ITU recommendation X.213 cannot be provided (for example, requested throughput
or transit delay cannot be supported).