Structure of book
Issue 1 June 2005 15
Chapters or Maintenance Objects (MOs)
At the Chapter or MO level, bold names of the server(s) or gateway(s) that are represented
within the sections to follow are inserted immediately after the Chapter title or MO title. For
example, the heading for the SER-BUS (Serial communication bus) MO looks like:
SER-BUS (Serial communication bus)
The G650 after the title indicates that the material in this MO relates to the G650 media gateway.
Major and minor sections
At the Major and minor sections level, a similar bold name along with a ruled line delineates the
beginning of a section of material specific to the media server or gateway identified. At the
conclusion of the section, another ruled line marks the end of the specific material and a return
to common text. For example, a section of material specific to the S8700 or S8500 media server
looks like:
S8700 | 8710 / S8500
1. If only 1 analog circuit pack in the system has this problem, replace the circuit pack.
2. If only analog circuit packs on a particular carrier have this error, the ringing generator
may not be connected to this carrier.
3. If analog circuit packs on many carriers have this error, it is probably a problem with the
ringing generator.
Such sections can occasionally extend for several pages.