Event Data
Issue 1 June 2005 139
- AAR/ARS digit analysis: Call type is incorrect for the call being made specifying the
wrong type of number and/or number plan information, or it is preventing code
conversion from taking place. An incorrect service or feature is specified for the call being
made on a CBC trunk group preference. Changing the Number format to a format
incorrect for the call type.
Cause Value 06
[0x6/0x86] -
Channel Unacceptable
The call attempt failed because the requested channel is not acceptable to the ISDN service
● Check Communication Manager administration.
- B-channels might be assigned off a T1/E1 into a trunk group that are not available for
service from the remote end. Contact the ISDN service provider to find out which
B-channels can be used.
Cause Value 07
[0x7/0x87] -
Call awarded and being delivered in an established channel/
Call identity does not exist (1TR6: AT&T ISDN Protocol)
Cause Value 07 indicates that a new incoming call is being established and is being connected
on a channel that has previously been connected to the same user for similar type calls (for
example, packet mode X.25 virtual channels being established on the d-channel).
Cause Value 07 (1TR6) indicates that a call resume has been attempted for a call with an
identity different from any currently suspended calls.
Not an option for ISDN D-channels.
Cause Value 08
[0x8/0x88] -
Prefix 0 dialed in error (NI-2: National ISDN 2)/
Call identity in use (1TR6: AT&T ISDN Protocol)/
Call is proceeding (NI-1: National ISDN 1)
Cause Value 08 For Autovon switching networks, the call attempt was blocked by a call with a
higher priority.
Cause Value 08 (NI-2) indicates that the network does not want to receive the prefix digit 0 as
part of the digit string in the CALLED PARTY NUMBER.
Cause Value 08 (1TR6) indicates that the call identity that sent in the call resume request is
already in use by the network.