Communication Manager Maintenance-Object Repair Procedures
2246 Maintenance Procedures for Avaya Communication Manager 3.0, Media Gateways and Servers
3. If none of the TDM-bus tests fail, extend the TDM bus to another carrier, and repeat the
procedure in the previous step. When a carrier that causes the fault to recur is added,
perform Procedure 2 for only the circuit packs in that carrier.
4. If any of the TDM-bus tests fail and Procedures 2 and 3 did not resolve the problem, the
added carrier(s) are defective and must be replaced.
Restarting Non-Functioning Port Circuit Packs
A defective TDM-bus control channel or system-timing reference on one of the EPNs can cause
port circuit packs residing outside the PN’s control carrier to enter the reset state. When this
situation occurs, the circuit pack will stop functioning, and its red LED will light. The system does
not detect the presence of a circuit pack when it is in the reset state. Executing list config
board shows that the circuit pack is absent.
If a circuit pack enters the reset state, it remains out of service until it receives a restart
message from the control channel on the same TDM bus (A or B) that was active when it reset,
or until it is powered up again.
To force the system to send a restart message to every circuit pack on a network, try one of the
following methods, depending on the circumstances. Any normally functioning circuit pack (i.e.,
not in reset state) will ignore the restart message.
Procedure 1 (Nondestructive)
If the control channel is on the same TDM bus as it was when the circuit pack entered the reset
state, Enter test tdm P to execute the Idle Time Slot test (#294).
Procedure 2 (Nondestructive)
If you are on-site, reseat the circuit pack. This action causes the circuit pack in the reset state to
begin functioning on the control channel of the current bus.
Procedure 3 (Destructive)
Enter the reset port-network P level 2 command to reset the PN containing the circuit
pack in the reset state. During a PN reset, two restart messages (one on the control channel of
each TDM bus) are sent to each circuit pack in the PN. Resetting the PN disrupts every call
going to and originating from the PN.
Procedure 4 (Destructive)
Execute recycle carrier PC. This command removes and restores power to the
designated port carrier. Thus, any other circuit packs in this carrier will also be temporarily taken