Denial Event Tables
Issue 1 June 2005 229
1923 IP RRJ-No E164 number Registration rejected because there is no
valid E.164 number in the RRQ or the
extension is not administered.
UID IP address of
the endpoint
1924 IP RRJ-No GRQ msg rcvd Registration rejected because no
Gatekeeper Request message was
received or RRQ was received more than
15 seconds after GRQ
UID IP address of
the endpoint
1925 IGAR trunk routing failed Registration rejected, denied while
routing an outgoing Inter-Gateway
Alternate Routing (IGAR) trunk call,
because of failure creating a new Login
Manager. Possible cause:
● No available heap memory to
create LoginMgr
● Cannot start LoginMgr timer
● Clock not set
UID IP address
1926 IP RRJ-Authenticatn fail Registration rejected because of
password authentication/ encryption
failure. The password that the user
entered and the administered password
on the station screen do not match or no
cryptoToken or keys sent in RRQ.
UID IP address of
the endpoint
2.2 and
IP RRJ-Invld station type Registration rejected because of:
● Invalid station type
● No Remote Office or IP
Softphone administration on the
station screen
● IP Softphone tried to register
shared-control to the wrong
telephone endpoint type.
UID station type or
IP address of
the endpoint
IP RRJ-Invld station type Registration rejected because of:
● Invalid station type for the
endpoint application
● R1 IP telephone
● R1 or R2 IP softphone in
roadWarrior or Telecommuter
● IP console and not console
station type
● IP softphone and softphone not
set to yes on station screen
● IP telephone application and not
IP telephone station type
● Softphone that cannot operate
with a station type that does not
have a BIS or the speaker is
turned off
UID station type or
IP address of
the endpoint
Table 52: IP Denial Events (1907 - 2020) (continued)
Event Description, as it
appears on the event log
Explanation Event Data 1 Event Data 2
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