FIBER-LK (Fiber Link)
Issue 1 June 2005 1257
2031 ABRT The attempt to send the message to the EI circuit pack, asking it who it’s
neighbor is, was not successful.
1. Run test board location separately for each EI endpoint on this
fiber link, and follow the procedures for this test in EXP-INTF
(Expansion Interface Circuit Pack) on page 1176.
2100 ABRT System resources required to run this test are not available.
1. Run test board location separately for each EI endpoint on this
fiber link, and follow the procedures in EXP-INTF (Expansion Interface
Circuit Pack) on page 1176.
2500 ABRT Internal system error
1. Run test board location separately for each EI endpoint on this
fiber link, and follow the procedures in EXP-INTF (Expansion Interface
Circuit Pack) on page 1176.
1033 FAIL The EI circuit pack under test cannot make contact with opposite end EI or
SNI circuit pack.
1. Run test board location separately for each EI endpoint on this
fiber link, and follow the procedures in EXP-INTF (Expansion Interface
Circuit Pack) on page 1176.
2027 FAIL The EI circuit pack has contact with the opposite EI or SNI circuit pack, but
it is the incorrect EI or SNI circuit pack.
1. Run test board location separately for each EI endpoint on this
fiber link, and follow the procedures in EXP-INTF (Expansion Interface
Circuit Pack) on page 1176.
PASS The EI circuit pack(s) have successfully established a link with the
opposite EI or SNI circuit pack.
1. If status port-network still indicates that this link is down, it is
possible that one or both of the EI and/or SNI circuit packs have been
busied out.
2. If the link still does not come up, reset one or both EI and/or SNI circuit
packs on the link.
Table 436: Test #237 Expansion Interface Neighbor Query Test (continued)
Description / Recommendation
2 of 2