WAE-PORT (Wideband Access Endpoint Port)
Issue 1 June 2005 2537
Port Audit and Update Test (#36)
This test sends port level translation data from switch processor to the UDS1 Interface circuit
pack to ensure that the wideband access endpoint port’s translation is correct.
Table 903: Test #36 Port Audit and Update Test
Description / Recommendation
ABRT Internal system error
1. Retry the command at 1-minute intervals up to 5 times.
1006 ABRT The port is out-of-service. If the port is busied out:
1. Enter release access-endpoint extension to put
the port back into in-service.
2. Retry the test command.
If the port is not busied out:
3. Check the error and alarm logs for WAE-PORT, and
UDS1-BD or MG-DS1 errors and alarms and follow the
recommended repair procedures.
2000 ABRT Response to the test request was not received within the
allowable time period.
1. Retry the command at 1-minute intervals up to 5 times.
2100 ABRT Could not allocate the necessary system resources to run this
1. Retry the command at 1-minute intervals up to 5 times.
FAIL Internal system error
1. Retry the command at 1-minute intervals up to 5 times.
PASS Port translation has been updated successfully.
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