Denial Event Tables
Issue 1 June 2005 189
ISDN, IP, and SIP Denial Events
Some Event Type numbers in this section can be re-used for IP and SIP Denial Events. Please
check your log information carefully to determine what type of network experienced the event
that led to the denial, even if the explanation refers to ISDN.
1167 Can’t term emergency call No Attendants or redirection extension assigned
for termination of emergency call.
1168 Second call failed Russia MultiFrequency (MF) Packet Signaling -
Second call attempt failed.
1169 Retry option not enabled Russia MultiFrequency (MF) Packet Signaling.
Either T1 or T2 timer expired, or a B6 signal was
received, and the “Re-try?” option is no.
1170 Erroneous signal received Russia MultiFrequency (MF) Packet Signaling -
Erroneous signal received.
1171 ATM Blockage:TDMSVC fail TDM_SVC failed due to lack of resources, call
was dropped. The caller hears dead air.
1172 Path Rep ASAI to non-ASAI Path Replace merged from Adjunct Switch
Application Interface (ASAI) callr to non-ASAI
Table 48: Call Process denial events (1001 - 1172) (continued)
Event Description, as it
appears on the event log
Explanation Event
Data 1
Event Data 2
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Table 49: ISDN, IP, and SIP-generated denial events (1173 - 1224)
Event Description, as it
appears on the event log
Explanation Event
Data 1
Event Data 2
1070 (also
in Table 48
TTR_unavail ISDN trunk initiation of in-band end-to-end digit
collection failed. Might be waiting for a Touch
Tone Receiver (TTR).
(also in
Table 48
ISDN no cause value Outgoing ISDN trunk rejected/ dropped by far
(also in
Table 48
Unassigned number Unassigned number.
1173 No route to transit ntwk No route to specific transit network.
See Cause Value 02
1174 No route to dest No route to destination.
See Cause Value 03
on page 136.
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