Denial Event Tables
Issue 1 June 2005 181
1058 Auto Callback User ID User activating automatic callback has software
partyblock member misrepresented.
1059 Auto Callback double qued User is activating automatic callback, but the call
has already been queued or has no principal
terminating User ID.
1060 Auto Callback terminator Activating automatic callback is not allowed when
the terminating extension is a group attendant,
terminating extension group, Vector Directory
Number, or if vector processing is active.
1061 Auto Callback terminator Activating automatic callback.
● For a non-Distributed Communication
System (DCS) terminator, if there is an
accompanying Call Detail Recording
(CDR) ineffective call attempt record, the
queue is full or zero-length.
● For a DCS terminator, termination did not
happen for one of several reasons
identified in rc from gm_term
re_termination attempt in onhk_que.c
1062 Auto Callback activation Activating automatic callback. Checks on queue
availability and/or Distributed Communication
System (DCS) termination pass OK, but activation
is denied.
1063 Auto Callback ineligible Activating Automatic Callback (ACB). Response
to callback type query is queue ineligible, might be
ACB is in use or call is on hold, or GQRY_ERR
(might be no call ID behind call back button).
1064 Double queueing denied Manual activation of queueing. Call has already
been queued (automatic).
1065 Manual queing terminator Manual activation of queueing. There is no
principal terminator on which to queue.
1066 Manual queing - full que Manual activation of queueing. The queue is full
or queue length is zero.
1067 Manaual queing denied Manual activation of queueing. Checks on queue
availability pass OK, but activation is denied.
1068 queued call went away Reactivation of automatic callback or outgoing
trunk queueing. The call disappeared from the
1069 PMS link/printer down Property Management System (PMS) cannot log
housekeeping status. PMS link is not operational
and the printer is down.
(also in
Table 49
TTR_unavail ISDN trunk initiation of in-band end-to-end digit
collection failed. Might be waiting for a Touch Tone
Receiver (TTR).
1071 Wireless - trunk failure General Central Office (GCO) Wireless
Subscriber System (WSS) call origination denied -
iap_cid_qry failure. Route to GCO subscriber
trunk failed.
Table 48: Call Process denial events (1001 - 1172) (continued)
Event Description, as it
appears on the event log
Explanation Event
Data 1
Event Data 2
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