Communication Manager Maintenance-Object Repair Procedures
902 Maintenance Procedures for Avaya Communication Manager 3.0, Media Gateways and Servers
j. Error Type 257; Aux Data - 57474: Rotary dial rate above 12 pulses/sec, less than 75
msec between two successive breaks.
1. Verify trunk administered interdigit-timing parameters.
2. Refer problem to CO.
k. Error Type 257; Aux Data - 57475: Digit detection, CO is starting new rotary dial digit
within 150 msec of previous digit.
1. Verify trunk administered interdigit timing parameters.
2. Refer problem to CO.
l. Error Type 513; Aux Data - 57392: Loop current active, CO is not releasing trunk after PBX
disconnect. Occurs when the PBX end drops first and the CO does not release the trunk
within 4 minutes.
1. Verify the interface to the network with a hand telephone set. If calls are placed correctly,
then refer problem to the CO.
2. If unable to place calls or this equipment is not available, check the status on port using
status trunk. If active but not connected, disconnect bridging clips at the network
interface. Check status on the trunk. If trunk went idle, then replace clips. If trunk is still
active but unable to place calls, refer problem to the CO.
m. Error Type 513; Aux Data - 57393: Late CO trunk release occurs only after the occurrence
of Error Type 513. The CO released the trunk 4 minutes after the PBX dropped the call. This
event decrements the severity (error count) of Error Type 513, or may mean the problem
related to Error Type 513 has been fixed.
Verify that Error Type 513 does not occur again. Refer to Error 513.
n. Error Type 1793: Incomplete Dial timer expired, applies only to TN459 and indicates a
problem with incoming dialing stream. Refer the problem to the CO.
System Technician-Demanded Tests:
Descriptions and Error Codes
Investigate tests in the order presented. By clearing error codes associated with the NPE
Crosstalk, you may also clear errors generated from subsequent tests in the sequence.
Order of Investigation Short Test
Long Test
NPE Crosstalk test (#6)
S8300 / G700: This test aborts with Error Code 1412.
Port Diagnostic test (#35) X X ND
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