Denial Events
242 Maintenance Procedures for Avaya Communication Manager 3.0, Media Gateways and Servers
2072 Conf/Transfer 2 Meet-me Conference or transfer 2 Meet-me
conference call.
2073 Permission denied (or)
Download permission
User attempted to download
firmware to a station. User does not
have console permission.
2074 Rec fail: annc is playing Attempt to record a VAL
announcement while that
announcement is playing on a VAL
2075 Var-in-Vec COS restricted User does not have console
2076 IP RRJ-Call Mismatch IP Registration Rejection (RRJ)
because of no call present on the
switch side. But there is a call
present on the ept.
UID IP address.
2077 IP FURQ-CallTimer
Force Unregistration Request.
Unregister endpoint whose call
preservation timer (H323 link loss
delay timer) expires.
UID IP address.
2078 Extend Call Button Denial OPTIM Extend Call via extend call
button press was denied.
station where
the button
was pushed
Reason the call was denied:
0 - denied because the call
already has 6 ports on it
1 - denied because the
station is at the OPTIM call
2 - denied because the
application has no termination
3 - denied because call failed
to extend (check application
2079 IP RRJ-Invld sta state Registration rejected because set in
wrong state (for example on call,
Out of Service (OOS), Administered
Without Hardware (AWOH),
Terminal Translation Initiation (TTI),
shared-control endpoints attempt to
register to different LSPs).
2080 IP FURQ-User dialed TSA IP Softphone in shared control
configuration with DCP is forced
unregistered because user dialed
2081 IP FURQ-Invld sta state IP Softphone in shared control
configuration with DCP is forced
unregistered because softphone
switched to invalid state.
2082 Exceeded TLS conn limit A TLS socket was rejected because
of the constraint on the maximum
number of TLS peers.
2083 TLS: No cert returned A peer cert was rejected by
common name checking.
Table 53: Call Process denial events (2021 - 2299) (continued)
Event Description, as it
appears on the event log
Explanation Event Data 1 Event Data 2
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